Copywriting is the art of seduction and persuasion, inciting an individual to take a desired action using nothing but words, and is an essential creative tool in the arsenal of any digital marketer worth their salt. In practice, it comprises a collection of writing techniques for creating captivating content that both references the issues faced by your target client and provides a solution, formulated in a way that invokes emotion and makes a lasting impression. The purpose of copywriting is therefore to incite the reader to carry out a particular action (i.e., buying a product, requesting a service, downloading an eBook, clicking on a link, etc.).

As opposed to translation and transcreation, which both rely on an English source text, copywriting involves the creation of content in French directly, in response to a certain number of instructions outlined in the client brief.


Although the ultimate goal of copywriting is to improve brand awareness and increase sales, it nevertheless remains an art that unites expert writing skills, analysis of your target (buyer persona) and masterful storytelling. Copywriting is undeniably indispensable to all marketers, as it creates a link and establishes trust between you and your target. More than just a simple description of your product or service, the copywriting process begins by analysing your target client: who are they? What are they looking for? What are their desires and needs? What makes them happy? And, above all, how would they like to be spoken to?

Once the copywriter has the answers to these questions, they must imagine themselves in the client’s shoes, to create a sense of empathy to propose the most suitable solution while creating a bond of trust. And this solution must be provided through the medium of a story. This is the very essence of storytelling: using a story to let the reader identify and feel the desired emotions. It’s the key to a strong relationship with the reader. This is how you mark yourself out from the competition: beyond just the price and quality of your product, you provide added value and set the benchmark for your clients (inbound marketing).


Above all, copywriting allows you to establish trust with your target and position yourself as an authentic brand by offering relevant and inspiring content. This will notably translate into an increased conversion rate, improved referencing in search engines and, quite simply, into increased sales.

This service is particularly suitable for the creation of unique creative content:

  • Blog articles
  • Websites
  • Text for mobile apps
  • White papers
  • Social media posts
  • Newsletters, mailshots
  • Copy for audio-visual use (radio voiceovers, podcasts, TV spots)
  • Advertising slogans, lead-ins


Let’s find the right words for your audience